The Book Release Party on Monday (9/9/19) was a wonderful celebration! I was in awe of all the support, love, enthusiasm, and JOY you shared with me and my phenomenal illustrator, Christopher Gray. The script that kept running in my head, as I saw so many beautiful familiar faces come in, was one of simplicity and gratitude, “WOW…WOW…WOW!!”
So, reflecting on the evening, it was crazy how nervous I was because I know and love you all, and I love parties, and I love to talk to people, and I loved the reason the party was happening! But I’ve figured it out, and I know why I was so nervous. I was so nervous because I was so excited you all were finally seeing and sharing with me what had been in my head for roughly 6 years. And what started as just a thought, had actually come true! That is a BIG WOW moment!
Being in front of nearly 100 people that came to the Book Release Party was amazing and humbling. I made a small speech at the party and I ended it by comparing the book creation process to Eric Carle’s famous children’s book, The Tiny Seed. In this book, Eric Carle beautifully narrates the life of seeds. These small, yet mighty seeds must endure elements the four seasons have to offer: hot, cold, rain, drought, snow, and wind. And frequently, these elements can be harsh and not all the seeds make it. However, in the end, one tiny seed makes it! It lives on and grows into a beautiful flower! Chris and I are like this tiny seed. We’ve worked hard. We trudged our way through unchartered author, illustrator, and publishing waters. We persevered and we grew! And our growth and adventures will continue, like the life of a seed. I will also add, but I won’t speak for Chris, on the evening of the book release, I felt like a beautiful flower!
Again, thank you to everyone for your love and support. I truly do feel your energy, and because of that, I am fueled to plan for and do what’s next?! What is next? Promoting I Have A Song is next…it continues for now and yes, there will be another book coming along. I Have A Song will be available at the St. Lawrence University Book Store in about 2 weeks. If you’re up in the North Country, you can see Pip’s big smile there. And I’m hopeful I will have more news shortly about Pip’s story being sold in a couple other stores. I will keep you posted about that!
I’d love to hear from YOU! Send me your good news….Send me YOUR WOW moment or story. Joy is contagious and often times, it’s right in front of us.